
Lathe {{}}
Pick a model
Brake Jobs Per Week (1 axle) {{roi.BrakeJobsPerWeek}}
Pick brake jobs per week x 52 = (260 ) brake jobs per year x150 =(39,000)
Average Cost 2 Brake Discs (1 axle) {{roi.AverageCost2BrakeDiscs | currency:'$':0}}
Pick total brake disc cost (1 axle, 2 discs)
Average Time To Replace Rotors (1 axle) {{roi.AverageTimeToReplaceRotors}}
Shop Labor Rate {{roi.ShopLaborRate | currency:'$':0}}
% of Rotors that Could be Saved with Rotor Matching {{roi.PercentOfRotorSaved}}
Depreciation schedule in years {{roi.DepreciationInYears}}
Pick depreciation in years


Annual Rotor Cost = 100% replace {{roi.AnnualRotorCost100 | currency:'$ ':0}}
100% Rotor Replacement
LABOR {{roi.LaborAndOverhead100 | currency:'$ ':0}}
Estimated labor
ANNUAL COST OF 100% ROTOR REPLACEMENT {{roi.TotalAnnualRotorCost100 | currency:'$ ':0}}
Total Parts & Labor 100%
ANNUAL ROTOR COST w ROTOR MATCHING {{roi.TotalAnnualRotorCostWithRotorMatching | currency:'$ ':0}}
Rotors replaced that couldn't be machined
Labor and Overhead using a Pro-Cut OCL for ROTOR MATCHING on Machinable Rotors {{roi.LaborAndOverheadWithRotorMatching | currency:'$ ':0}}
Labor rate x 1.0 hour to save the machinable rotors
Operating cost of lathe {{roi.OperatingCostLathe | currency:'$ ':0}}
Assumes $2 per brake job in consumables
Est. lathe Depreciation per year {{roi.LatheDepreciationPerYear | currency:'$ ':0}}
Based on # years selected above
ANNUAL COST @ 50% OCL machine, 50% replace {{roi.TotalAnnualCost5050 | currency:'$ ':0}}
ANNUAL SAVINGS MACHINING 50% of Rotors w/P-C lathe {{roi.AnnualSavings | currency:'$ ':0}}
*assumes 39mm nominal and 37.4mm discard = usable wear/machining 1.6mm (.063")
Most rotors can machined up to 3X (wear included) with minimum machining pass = .010"