Lathe {{}}
Pick a model
Brake Jobs Per Week {{roi.BrakeJobsPerWeek}}
Pick brake jobs per week
Average Revenue / Brake Job {{roi.AverageRevenuePerBrakeJob | currency:'$':0}}
Pick revenue/brake job
Lease Term in Years {{roi.LeaseTermInYears.term}}
Pick lease term in years
Average Revenue Rotor Matching / Brake Job {{roi.AverageRevenuePerBrakeJobRotorMatching}}
Pick average upcharge for Rotor Matching per brake job


Monthly Annual 3-Year 5-Year
Total Revenue {{roi.TotalRevenueMonthly | currency:'$ ':0}} {{roi.TotalRevenueAnnual | currency:'$ ':0}} {{roi.TotalRevenueAnnual * 3 | currency:'$ ':0}} {{roi.TotalRevenueAnnual * 5 | currency:'$ ':0}}
Brake Jobs {{roi.BrakeJobsMonthly | currency:'': 0}} {{roi.BrakeJobsAnnual | currency:'':0}} {{roi.BrakeJobsAnnual * 3 | currency:'':0}} {{roi.BrakeJobsAnnual * 5 | currency:'':0}}
LABOR {{roi.LaborAndOverHeadMonthly | currency:'$':0}} {{roi.LaborAndOverHeadAnnual | currency:'$':0}} {{roi.LaborAndOverHeadAnnual * 3 | currency:'$':0}} {{roi.LaborAndOverHeadAnnual * 5 | currency:'$':0}}
Estimated labor at 30% of revenues
OPERATING COST of LATHE {{roi.OperatingCostOfLatheMonthly | currency:'$':0}} {{roi.OperatingCostOfLatheAnnual | currency:'$':0}} {{roi.OperatingCostOfLatheAnnual * 3 | currency:'$':0}} {{roi.OperatingCostOfLatheAnnual * 5 | currency:'$':0}}
Assumes $1/brake job in consumables
LEASE EXPENSE (estimate) {{roi.LeaseExpenseMonthly | currency:'$':0}} {{roi.LeaseExpenseAnnual | currency:'$':0}} {{roi.LeaseExpenseAnnual * 3 | currency:'$':0}} {{roi.LeaseExpenseAnnual * 5 | currency:'$':0}}
CASH FLOW {{roi.CashFlowMonthly | currency:'$':0}} {{roi.CashFlowAnnual | currency:'$':0}} {{roi.CashFlowAnnual * 3 | currency:'$':0}} {{roi.CashFlowAnnual * 5 | currency:'$':0}}

Lathe Depreciation {{roi.LatheDepreciationMonthly | currency:'$':0}} {{roi.LatheDepreciationAnnual | currency:'$':0}} {{roi.LatheDepreciationAnnual * 3 | currency:'$':0}} {{roi.LatheDepreciationAnnual * 5 | currency:'$':0}}
Assumes 7 year depreciation
PROFIT FROM OPERATION {{roi.ProfitFromOperationMonthly | currency:'$':0}} {{roi.ProfitFromOperationAnnual | currency:'$':0}} {{roi.ProfitFromOperationAnnual * 3 | currency:'$':0}} {{roi.ProfitFromOperationAnnual * 5 | currency:'$':0}}

COMEBACK SAVINGS {{roi.ComebackSavingsMonthly | currency:'$':0}} {{roi.ComebackSavingsAnnual | currency:'$':0}} {{roi.ComebackSavingsAnnual * 3 | currency:'$':0}} {{roi.ComebackSavingsAnnual * 5 | currency:'$':0}}
Assumes 5% reduction in comebacks
ROTOR MATCHING REVENUES {{roi.RotorMatchingRevenuesMonthly | currency:'$':0}} {{roi.RotorMatchingRevenuesAnnual | currency:'$':0}} {{roi.RotorMatchingRevenuesAnnual * 3 | currency:'$':0}} {{roi.RotorMatchingRevenuesAnnual * 5 | currency:'$':0}}
OCL REVENUE FROM SAVED TIME {{roi.OclRevenueFromSavedTimeMonthly | currency:'$':0}} {{roi.OclRevenueFromSavedTimeAnnual | currency:'$':0}} {{roi.OclRevenueFromSavedTimeAnnual * 3 | currency:'$':0}} {{roi.OclRevenueFromSavedTimeAnnual * 5 | currency:'$':0}}
Assumes 15 min/axle time savings

Monthly Annual 3-Year 5-Year
TOTAL PROFIT {{roi.TotalProfitMonthly | currency:'$':0}} {{roi.TotalProfitAnnual | currency:'$':0}} {{roi.TotalProfitAnnual * 3 | currency:'$':0}} {{roi.TotalProfitAnnual * 5 | currency:'$':0}}